
Ondjiva — The governor of the southern Cunene Province, António Didalelwa, considered on Thursday in Ondjiva that the Farming, Trade and Industry Fair, "Expo-Cunene2014", is an instrument of policies aimed at boosting entrepreneurial activities in the region, taking into account the business opportunities that the exhibition offers.

15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557


      Ondjiva — The governor of the southern Cunene Province, António Didalelwa, considered on Thursday in Ondjiva that the Farming, Trade and Industry Fair, "Expo-Cunene2014", is an instrument of policies aimed at boosting entrepreneurial activities in the region, taking into account the business opportunities that the exhibition offers.

      Speaking at the opening session, the official said that Expo-Cunene became a trade forum where business opportunities and commercial interchanges are the right elements that help boost future investments.

      António Didalelwa highlighted that the provinces will take more qualitative steps for socio-economic development, thus Expo- Cunene allows the opening of new perspectives of progress.

      The exhibition opened on Thursday, with a duration of seven days and with about 51 national and foreign exhibitors (Namibia and South Africa)




Cr. http://allafrica.com/stories/201407140543.html


หมวดของข่าว : ลงทุนต่างประเทศ , ลงทุนอาเซียน , ข้อมูลการลงทุน